Implemented a long term benthic baseline monitoring programme at Pillar Point, Tuen Mun for the construction of Pillar Point Sewage Treatment Works.
2012 – Environmental Impact Assessment of Pillar Point Sewage Treatment Works construction
Investigated any ecological impacts caused by the proposed dredging works at submarine outfall of Sha Tau Kok Sewage Treatment Works
2012 – Environmental Impact Assessment of Sha Tau Kok Sewage Treatment Works upgrading
Implemented a long term ecological baseline monitoring programme (covering intertidal community, horseshoe crab and seagrass) in Tung Chung Bay and San Tau for the infrastructural project ‘Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Link Road’.
2012 – Environmental Monitoring of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Link Road
Conducted ecological benthic survey to investigate the potential impacts of the dredging works at Tsing Chau Wan barging point for the XRL infrastructural project.
2012 – Environmental Impact Assessment for Express Rail Link (XRL)
Investigated the ecological impacts on the benthic community caused by the proposed mangrove removal works at Shan Pui River and Tin Shui Wai Nullah.
2012 – Environmental Impact Assessment of Widening of Shan Pui River and Tin Shui Wai Nullah
Conducted benthic survey to investigate the ecological value of the southwestern Tsing Yi Island in the Western Buffer WCZ.
2011 – Environmental Impact Assessment of Southwestern Tsing Yi
Performed data analysis of a monitoring programme to determine any benthic community changes caused by the chlorinated effluent from Stonecutter Island Sewage Treatment Works under the Harbour Area Treatment Scheme Stage 2A.
2011 – EM&A Analysis of Benthic Response to HATS Stage 2A
Conducted benthic survey at Sandy Bay for estimating any ecological impacts of the barging point operation for the project.
2010 – Harbour Area Treatment Scheme Stage 2A Sewage Conveyance System
Participated in the environmental impact assessment by providing benthic survey around Tai Lam Kok, Tuen Mun for the planned barging point for the construction of Express Rail Link.
2010 – Environmental Impact Assessment for Express Rail Link (XRL)
Investigated the ecological condition of benthic environment in Yau Tong Bay as a part of feasibility study of the project.
2010 – Environmental Impact Assessment for Yau Tong Bay Development
Collect marine benthic baseline around Shek O of southern Hong Kong to investigate the potential impacts of Shek O Quarry IMF Fabrication Yard.
2009 – Environmental Impact Assessment for Shatin To Central Link (SCL) -- Cross Harbour Section (Phase II)
Undertook additional benthic survey at Yim Tin Tsai and Sha Tai Kok for the project of sediment remediation works in fish culture zones.
2009 –Environmental Impact Assessment for remediation works of benthic environment in Fish Culture Zones.
Investigated the ecological benthic baseline in the Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter as part of project EIA.
2009 - Environmental Impact Assessment for Shatin To Central Link (SCL) -- Cross Harbour Section (Phase II)
Conducted a benthic survey around Shek Kwu Chau for providing advice on the environmental acceptability and feasibility of the deployment of submarine cable of IWMF.
2009 - Engineering Investigation and Environmental Studies for Integrated Waste - Management Facilities Phase 1
Advised on the environmental impact assessment of the IMT Fabrication Yard at Tseung Kwan O by undertaking a benthic survey in Junk Bay.
2009 - Environmental Impact Assessment for Shatin To Central Link (SCL) -- Cross Harbour Section (Phase II)
Took part in the further benthic study of the possible impact by the dredging works at western Tsing Yi and Hoi Sham Park in To Kwa Wan.
2009 - Environmental Impact Assessment for Shatin To Central Link (SCL) – Additional Ecological Survey
Assessed the impact by the project to the neighborhood marine environment by conducting benthic survey in Junk Bay.
2009 – Environment Impact Assessment for the construction of Tseung Kwan O – Lam Tin Tunnel
Impact assessment of fish raft relocation and sediment dredging by providing benthic survey around the Fish Cultural Zones (Yim Tin Tsai, Sha Tau Kok, Yung Shue Au and Po Toi O).
2009 - Environmental Impact Assessment for remediation works of benthic environment in Fish Culture Zones.
Undertook a baseline ecological survey in Victoria Harbour to investigate the potential impact to marine benthic environment along the cross harbour rail section.
2009 - Environmental Impact Assessment for Shatin-to-Central Link (SCL) -- Cross Harbour Section (Phase II)
Conducted benthic survey at Lung Kwn Sheung Tan of Tuen Mun for investigating the ecological impact of the barging point construction.
2009 - Environmental Impact Assessment for Barging Point at Lung Kwu Sheung Tan, Tuen Mun
Conducted ecological impact assessment on the benthic environment around Shek Kwu Chau for the feasibility study of the construction of Integrated Waste Management Facilities (IWMF).
2009 - Engineering Investigation and Environmental Studies for Integrated Waste - Management Facilities (IWMF) Phase 1
Undertook a baseline ecological survey at Inner Port Shelter of Sai Kung for assessing the impact caused by the project works.
2009 – Environmental Studies on Sai Kung Sewage Treatment Works Phase II Upgrading
Conducted the benthic survey at the south-eastern coast of Hong Kong International Airport at Chek Lap Kok for the construction of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Link Road.
2009 – Expansion of Hong Kong International Airport
Took part in the monitoring works by conducting quarterly benthic survey for an artificial wetland.
2008 – Monitoring programme of the Artificial Wetland of ‘Deep Bay Link’ project
Participated in the review works by covering the part of benthic survey at Hoi Ha Wan.
2008 - Environmental Review on Deployment of a Small Scale Artificial Reefs Underneath the Jockey Club WWF Hong Kong Hoi Ha Marine Life Centre