About Us
Public has been becoming more and more concern about their environment in these several decades. Environmental protection and harmony are generally covered in the city planning and development. How to achieve an optimal balance between development and environmental protection is an essential factor for us to sustain our home – Earth.
Neanthes Eco-Consultant Limited (as “Neanthes”) is an independent environmental consultant specialized in ecological impact assessment (EcIA) of marine habitat. Our clients, mostly are government departments, multi-national corporations, international consultancies or private developers request us to conduct ecological impact assessments and to provide professional and environmentally sound opinions to facilitate their judgment and understanding for each subjective environment. -
We are the leading consultancy in benthic survey and capable for serving ecological impact assessment in full range. Neanthes team are renowned as experienced, professional and responsible and has built up a trustful and long term relationship with our clients. Our expertise and services cover:
Neanthes concentrates on the environmental business in Hong Kong. The area we investigated has been covers most of the Hong Kong waters. The experiences and findings from these surveys do help us to have a well understanding of the Hong Kong marine environment.